Blog Posts

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Hello Dex

Mar 10, 2022

Say hello to Dex and see how Dex greets you.

How to Get from A Tree to A Flat Shape And Back Again

Feb 2, 2022

The adventure continues in this "Unrecurse" sequel. Previously, we bravely faced turmoil and confusion in a cruel world in which Haskell suddenly stopped supporting recursive function calls. We barely escaped the wrath of the compiler. This time, we try to survive an even more extreme situation: Haskell without recursive data types! It is the ultimate test of our programming skills. Will we make it through the final challenge, or is all hope lost? Join us in this journey about tapes and tribulations.

Unrecurse -- A Recursive Function That Doesn't Recurse

Jan 20, 2022

Have you ever wanted to write a recursive function and wondered what would happen if someone took away recursion from Haskell? Say goodbye to recursive function calls, say goodbye to recursive data types. How sad Haskell would be without them! I'm sure that thought must have occured to you -- if not, what are you even doing here?! Well, this article has you covered should that day ever come. After reading it, you will know how to write a recursive function that doesn't recurse.


Jan 1, 2022
