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Unrecurse -- A Recursive Function That Doesn't Recurse

Tagged as: haskell recursion

Posted on Jan 20, 2022

33 min read

Have you ever wanted to write a recursive function and wondered what would happen if someone took away recursion from Haskell? Say goodbye to recursive function calls, say goodbye to recursive data types. How sad Haskell would be without them! I'm sure that thought must have occured to you -- if not, what are you even doing here?! Well, this article has you covered should that day ever come. After reading it, you will know how to write a recursive function that doesn't recurse.


For this Literate Haskell essay, a few language extensions are required. Nothing extraordinarily fancy, just the usually fancy Haskell flavour.

  {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

A bunch of these are part of GHC2021 that was introduced in GHC 9.2, but this blog is boring and still running on GHC 8.10.

Unsurprisingly, we will also work with code that is not in the Prelude:

  module Unrecurse where

  import Control.Lens (zoom, _1, _2)
  import Control.Monad.Cont (ContT (runContT))
  import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (get, put), StateT (runStateT), evalStateT, modify)
  import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (lift))
  import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
  import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
  import GHC.Generics (Generic)
  import Prelude hiding (even, odd)

Now, since this is settled, we can get on with the article.

The Best Refactoring You Have Never Done

The first part of this article is based on a 2019 post and talk by James Koppel about the equivalence of recursion and iteration.

James' talk is a great introduction to the topic, but it left out a few important details and did not explain how to generalize the example from the talk to more complicated cases. Also, the original talk used Java and only a little bit of Haskell, but I'm going to exclusively use Haskell here. This will make it clearer for people familiar with Haskell but not with Java, like me.

James' example is a recursive function that prints the content of a binary tree. The problem he chose to focus on is to convert that recursive function to an iterative one. We will reproduce the conversion process in Haskell code, and the first step is going to be to define an abstract data type for binary trees:

  data Tree a
    = Nil
    | Node
        { left :: Tree a,
          content :: a,
          right :: Tree a
    deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Generic)

For illustration purposes, we will use the following balanced tree that carries consecutive integers at its seven leaves:

  exampleTree :: Tree Int
  exampleTree =
      ( Node
          (Node Nil 1 Nil)
          (Node Nil 3 Nil)
      ( Node
          (Node Nil 5 Nil)
          (Node Nil 7 Nil)

Really, any tree will do, but we will use this one. We can print the contents of our tree using the Show instance of integers.

  -- | Print the content of a `Tree a`.
  -- >>> printTree exampleTree
  -- 1
  -- 2
  -- 3
  -- 4
  -- 5
  -- 6
  -- 7
  printTree :: forall a. Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
  printTree Nil = pure ()
  printTree Node {..} = do
    printTree left
    print content
    printTree right

This is the function we want to convert to an iterative one. In its current form, it contains two recursive calls to itself. To eliminate the recursive calls, we need to perform a number of transformations. Each transformation is potentially headache inducing, and I am not going to promise pretty code. In fact, the code is going to get worse and worse.

Continuations And Continuation Passing Style

With your expectations properly lowered, let's start with the first transformation. We need to rewrite the printTree function to use continuations, using something called the "continuation passing style" or CPS. I'm not going to explain CPS in all its glory, only that it is a style of programming in which functions do not return values, but instead repeatedly pass control to a function called a continuation that decides what to do next. The mind-bending implications of this style of programming are introduced and discussed in this article on Have a look at that article if you are interested in the fine details. It's not necessary to understand the details of CPS to understand the rest of this article, though.

Haskell is particularly good at handling the CPS style, rewriting to it is easy and mechanical. The tool we will use is called the ContT monad transformer. It is found in the transformers package. ContT will wrap the IO monad, and we will use the >>= operator to chain continuations. IO values need to be lifted to ContT values. This gives us:

  printTree' ::
    forall a r.
    Show a =>
    Tree a ->
    ContT r IO ()
  printTree' Nil = pure ()
  printTree' Node {..} = do
    printTree' left
    lift $ print content
    printTree' right

The code appears mostly the same, except for a few subtleties. We have changed the return type and added a new type variable, r, that we cannot touch since it is quantified over. It is the type of the result of the continuation. r will only be of interest when we run the ContT monad transformer. This is done using the runContT :: ContT r m a -> (a -> m r) -> m r function. It runs the CPS computation encoded in ContT r m a and gets the result, but only if we seed it with one final continuation of the form a -> m r:

  -- | Run the `ContT` computation for `printTree'`.
  -- >>> runPrintTree' exampleTree
  -- 1
  -- 2
  -- 3
  -- 4
  -- 5
  -- 6
  -- 7
  runPrintTree' :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
  runPrintTree' tree =
    runContT (printTree' tree) pure

The final continuation is pure, and it decides that the result of the continuation is r ~ (). Everything still works as expected, phew.

The ContT monad transformer is a great convenience and allows us to deal with continuations in the familiar monadic style. What's great for Haskell and its users is not so great for us in this article, though. Remember, we want less of that good, idiomatic Haskell, not more of it. The goodbye to recursion must hurt. ContT is very effective at hiding what is actually happening behind the scenes. We need to pull that curtain up and see what is going on. Below is the same code as before, but with the ContT monad transformer inlined into the printTree' function:

  printTree'' ::
    forall a r.
    Show a =>
    Tree a ->
    (() -> IO r) ->
    IO r
  printTree'' Nil = \c -> c ()
  printTree'' Node {..} =
    let first = \c -> printTree'' left c
        second = \c -> print content >>= c
        third = \c -> printTree'' right c
        inner = \c -> second (\x -> (\() -> third) x c)
        outer = \c -> first (\x -> (\() -> inner) x c)
     in outer

This is starting to look nasty. Don't look at me, I warned you. printTree'' is now a higher-order function that takes a continuation function, c, as its second argument. Notwithstanding, we can also clearly see now that c takes a value of type () and returns a value of type IO r. The () type of the argument is a consequence of the fact that the original printTree function returned a value of type IO ().

Let's take a look at the Node case of printTree''. The do notation is desugared into nested continuations. inner chains the second and third functions, and outer chains the first and inner functions. first happens first, then second, and then third. We can convince ourselves that this painfully obfuscated printTree'' function is still computing the same result as the printTree function.

  -- | Run the CPS computation for `printTree''`.
  -- >>> runPrintTree'' exampleTree
  -- 1
  -- 2
  -- 3
  -- 4
  -- 5
  -- 6
  -- 7
  runPrintTree'' :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
  runPrintTree'' tree =
    printTree'' tree (\() -> pure ())


What we have achieved so far is nice, but we still have not eliminated any recursive calls. In order to make progress, we need to convert the higher-order printTree'' function to a first-order function. This process is called "defunctionalization". Once again, there is a wiki article on the subject if you are interested. It's one of those rare and wonderous articles on Wikipedia that exclusively use Haskell to explain things. Not that there should be more of them, but I digress.

Concretely, we defunctionalize the printTree'' function by replacing all the continuations, c :: () -> IO r, with a value of a new data type Kont (Next a). Kont and Next look like this:

  data Kont next
    = Finished
    | More next (Kont next)

  data Next a
    = First (Tree a)
    | Second a
    | Third (Tree a)

Kont is a recursive data type with two constructors, Finished and More. We use Finished to terminate the computation, and More to indicate that we need to continue. When that happens, we use Next to describe the details of the next step in the computation. Each constructor of Next corresponds to a different action that needs to be taken. The First constructor is named after the first function in printTree''. It takes a left subtree as argument. The Second constructor is named after the second function in printTree''. Its argument is the content of the current node that needs to be printed. The Third constructor is named after the third function in printTree'', and it takes a right subtree as argument. We need a new function, apply, that interprets a Kont (Next a) value and executes the corresponding action:

  apply ::
    forall a.
    Show a =>
    Kont (Next a) ->
    IO ()
  apply (More (First left) c) =
    printTree''' left c
  apply (More (Second content) c) =
    print content >> apply c
  apply (More (Third right) c) =
    printTree''' right c
  apply Finished =
    pure ()

We can see here how different Next values correspond to different actions. When the computation is finished, apply returns (). When there is more work to do, apply either calls the yet-to-be-defined printTree''' function with the next subtree and the continuation value, c :: Kont (Next a), or it calls the print function on the content of the node and then itself to continue the computation. The purpose of the printTree''' function is to build continuation values and then call apply to execute the corresponding actions:

  printTree''' ::
    forall a.
    Show a =>
    Tree a ->
    Kont (Next a) ->
    IO ()
  printTree''' Nil c = apply c
  printTree''' Node {..} c =
      ( More
          (First left)
          ( More
              (Second content)
              (More (Third right) c)

How do we know that this is all working correctly? We can run it:

  -- | Run the defunctionalized CPS computation
  -- for `printTree'''`.
  -- >>> runPrintTree''' exampleTree
  -- 1
  -- 2
  -- 3
  -- 4
  -- 5
  -- 6
  -- 7
  runPrintTree''' :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
  runPrintTree''' tree =
    printTree''' tree Finished

Great, we have successfully defunctionalized printTree'' and turned it into a first-order function. This has been a major step, but we are not done yet. We still have to eliminate the recursive calls. It only appears as if printTree''' doesn't call itself anymore. In fact, it still does, just indirectly through mutual recursion. This becomes more apparent once we inline apply into printTree''':

  printTree'''' ::
    forall a.
    Show a =>
    Tree a ->
    Kont (Next a) ->
    IO ()
  printTree'''' Nil (More (First left) c) =
    printTree'''' left c
  printTree'''' Nil (More (Second content) c) =
    print content >> printTree'''' Nil c
  printTree'''' Nil (More (Third right) c) =
    printTree'''' right c
  printTree'''' Nil Finished = pure ()
  printTree'''' Node {..} c =
      ( More
          (First left)
          ( More
              (Second content)
              (More (Third right) c)

State And Stack

At first glance, printTree'''' doesn't look better than what we had before. We went from two recursive calls up to now four. There is something interesting going on here, though. The recursive call to printTree'''' always appears in the tail position. And this means that we should be able to replace the calls with a loop. Wikipedia also has an article on that. However, we also notice that printTree'''' is called with different arguments in all four cases. We can't replace these calls with a loop without removing those arguments first, and we can't remove the arguments until we have a way to keep track of them. Or do we? Haskell has a special type, called State, that allows for just that. On hackage, State is available as Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy. Rather than passing arguments, we are going to update the State with the arguments' values. In preparation for this, let us have a closer look at Kont. You may have already noticed, but our Kont is isomorphic to []: Finished is the empty list, and More is simply the list constructor. Let's acknowledge that fact by using the [] data type directly and by giving Kont a better name: Stack.

  type Stack a = [a]

The only operations on Stack we will need in the following are adding and removing single elements from its end. These operations are commonly called push and pop. They can be implemented as follows:

  push ::
    forall a m.
    MonadState (Stack a) m =>
    a ->
    m ()
  push x = modify (x :)

  pop ::
    forall a m.
    MonadState (Stack a) m =>
    m (Maybe a)
  pop =
    get >>= \case
      [] -> pure Nothing
      (x : xs) -> put xs >> pure (Just x)

Notice here how we use get, put, and modify to update the Stack state. With push and pop, printTree'''' becomes:

  printTree''''' ::
    forall a.
    Show a =>
    Tree a ->
    StateT (Stack (Next a)) IO ()
  printTree''''' Nil = do
    next <- pop
    case next of
      Just (First left) ->
        printTree''''' left
      Just (Second content) ->
        lift (print content)
          >> printTree''''' Nil
      Just (Third right) ->
        printTree''''' right
      Nothing -> pure ()
  printTree''''' Node {..} = do
    push (Third right)
    push (Second content)
    push (First left)
    printTree''''' Nil

One thing to note here is that we use StateT, not State, to represent the state of our computation. This is because StateT is a monad transformer, and we already have effects in IO that we need to lift into it.

Rather than building a value of type Stack (Next a) that we pass to printTree'''', in printTree''''', we use push and pop to update the Stack state. As always, we need to confirm that this is doing the right thing:

  -- | Run the defunctionalized CPS computation
  -- for `printTree'''''`.
  -- >>> runPrintTree''''' exampleTree
  -- 1
  -- 2
  -- 3
  -- 4
  -- 5
  -- 6
  -- 7
  runPrintTree''''' :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
  runPrintTree''''' tree =
    evalStateT (printTree''''' tree) []

The result is as expected. This takes care of the Kont (Next a) argument, but we still need to eliminate the Tree a argument. We can use the same trick again and add Tree a to the state:

  printTree'''''' ::
    forall a.
    Show a =>
    StateT (Tree a, Stack (Next a)) IO ()
  printTree'''''' = do
    tree <- zoom _1 get
    case tree of
      Nil -> do
        c <- zoom _2 pop
        case c of
          Just (First left) -> do
            zoom _1 $ put left
          Just (Second content) -> do
            lift (print content)
            zoom _1 $ put Nil
          Just (Third right) -> do
            zoom _1 $ put right
          Nothing -> pure ()
      Node {..} -> do
        zoom _2 $ push (Third right)
        zoom _2 $ push (Second content)
        zoom _2 $ push (First left)
        zoom _1 $ put Nil

In this new version, printTree'''''' appears in the tail position and does not have any arguments. We are now ready for the final magic step, which is to eliminate all recursive calls.


Let us introduce a little helper, while:

  data Continue = Continue | Break

  while ::
    forall m.
    Monad m =>
    m Continue ->
    m ()
  while m = m >>= \case
    Continue -> while m
    Break -> pure ()

This function just runs the given monadic computation, m :: m Continue, again and again until it returns Break. This is as close to a "while" loop as we can get in Haskell, we can't remove the recursion here. Let us pretend the hypothetical recursion-free Haskell has while as a primitive.

With this, we finally have:

  printTree''''''' ::
    forall a.
    Show a =>
    StateT (Tree a, Stack (Next a)) IO ()
  printTree''''''' =
    while $ do
      tree <- zoom _1 get
      case tree of
        Nil -> do
          c <- zoom _2 pop
          case c of
            Just (First left) -> do
              zoom _1 $ put left
              pure Continue
            Just (Second content) -> do
              lift (print content)
              zoom _1 $ put Nil
              pure Continue
            Just (Third right) -> do
              zoom _1 $ put right
              pure Continue
            Nothing -> pure Break
        Node {..} -> do
          zoom _2 $ push (Third right)
          zoom _2 $ push (Second content)
          zoom _2 $ push (First left)
          zoom _1 $ put Nil
          pure Continue

There are no recursive calls left. Well, almost, because we are still using the recursive Tree type. We will worry about that in a follow-up piece.

This marvel of a function still computes the same result,

  -- | Run the unrolled `printTree'''''''` program.
  -- >>> runPrintTree''''''' exampleTree
  -- 1
  -- 2
  -- 3
  -- 4
  -- 5
  -- 6
  -- 7 
  runPrintTree''''''' :: Show a => Tree a -> IO ()
  runPrintTree''''''' tree =
    evalStateT printTree''''''' (tree, [])

Fantastic! What's next?


The printTree example from James' 2019 talk is a bit too simple, because we run printTree only for its effects. We don't care about the result since it is just () and will be the same for all trees we pass to printTree. What if this was different? In many real applications, we might want to reduce the tree to a value, say, accumulate a result, like a sum. This common pattern is captured by the function below:

  accumTree :: forall a. Monoid a => Tree a -> a
  accumTree Nil = mempty
  accumTree Node {..} =
    let lacc = accumTree left
        racc = accumTree right
     in lacc <> content <> racc

Using accumTree, summing up all the content values of our example tree is a simple matter:

  -- | Sum the content values of a tree.
  -- >>> sumTree exampleTree
  -- 28
  sumTree :: Num a => Tree a -> a
  sumTree tree = getSum $ accumTree (Sum <$> tree)

Sum is a newtype wrapper whose only function is to select the Monoid instance for summation, where mempty is zero and mappend is addition. This is necessary since Haskell doesn't have named class instances.

By the way, since Tree has a Foldable instance, we could have achieved the same by using foldMap from Data.Foldable:

  -- | Sum the content values of a tree.
  -- >>> sumTree' exampleTree
  -- 28
  sumTree' :: (Num a, Foldable f) => f a -> a
  sumTree' tree = getSum $ foldMap Sum tree

This certainly is convenient. Haskellers love foldMap, because they can use it on any data type that has a Foldable instance, not just Tree. But this is supposed to be a tutorial about inconvenient, recursion-free Haskell, and for that we need to understand how we can remove recursion from accumTree. The tool we are going to use here is the Writer monad.

  accumTree'' ::
    forall a.
    Monoid a =>
    Tree a ->
    Writer a ()
  accumTree'' Nil = pure ()
  accumTree'' Node {..} = do
    accumTree'' left
    tell content
    accumTree'' right

This version of accumTree is a bit more complicated. Accumulation has been moved to the Writer monad, and we need to use tell to accumulate the result. We also are working with a monadic effect, Writer, whereas accumTree was pure. We can extract the result by using execWriter:

  -- | Sum the content values of a tree.
  -- >>> sumTree'' exampleTree
  -- 28
  sumTree'' :: Num a => Tree a -> a
  sumTree'' tree =
    getSum $ execWriter $ accumTree'' (Sum <$> tree)

Great, this works. Now, sharp eyes will notice that accumTree'' and printTree from before are structurally equivalent. The only difference is that printTree uses IO, and accumTree'' uses Writer a. That's all. Based on what we have seen so far, we can therefore immediately see how accumTree'' can be made iterative:

  accumTree''''''' ::
    forall a.
    Monoid a =>
    StateT (Tree a, Stack (Next a)) (Writer a) ()
  accumTree''''''' =
    while $ do
      tree <- zoom _1 get
      case tree of
        Nil -> do
          c <- zoom _2 pop
          case c of
            Just (First left) -> do
              zoom _1 $ put left
              pure Continue
            Just (Second content) -> do
              lift (tell content)
              zoom _1 $ put Nil
              pure Continue
            Just (Third right) -> do
              zoom _1 $ put right
              pure Continue
            Nothing -> pure Break
        Node {..} -> do
          zoom _2 $ push (Third right)
          zoom _2 $ push (Second content)
          zoom _2 $ push (First left)
          zoom _1 $ put Nil
          pure Continue

Does this look familiar? This is the exact same as printTree''''''' from above, except print content is replaced by tell content. We run this function using its companion function sumTree''''''' that executes the Writer and State effects:

  -- | Run the unrolled `accumTree'''''''` program
  -- and calculate the sum of the content values of the tree.
  -- >>> sumTree''''''' exampleTree
  -- 28
  sumTree''''''' :: Num a => Tree a -> a
  sumTree''''''' tree =
    getSum $ execWriter $ runStateT accumTree''''''' (Sum <$> tree, [])

This settles the issue. Now you know how to write a recursive function that doesn't recurse.

Next Up

Next time, we will take a closer look at the Tree type, and we will make sure it doesn't recurse either. This will be super ugly, I can't wait for that.

Next Post

How to Get from A Tree to A Flat Shape And Back Again

Feb 2, 2022

The adventure continues in this "Unrecurse" sequel. Previously, we bravely faced turmoil and confusion in a cruel world in which Haskell suddenly stopped supporting recursive function calls. We barely escaped the wrath of the compiler. This time, we try to survive an even more extreme situation: Haskell without recursive data types! It is the ultimate test of our programming skills. Will we make it through the final challenge, or is all hope lost? Join us in this journey about tapes and tribulations.

Previous Post


Jan 1, 2022
