commit 6deb50a (2022-03-04 19:57:35 -0500) Torsten Scholak: improve doctests

How to Get from A Tree to A Flat Shape And Back Again

Tagged as: haskell recursion generics parsing

Posted on Feb 2, 2022

49 min read

The adventure continues in this "Unrecurse" sequel. Previously, we bravely faced turmoil and confusion in a cruel world in which Haskell suddenly stopped supporting recursive function calls. We barely escaped the wrath of the compiler. This time, we try to survive an even more extreme situation: Haskell without recursive data types! It is the ultimate test of our programming skills. Will we make it through the final challenge, or is all hope lost? Join us in this journey about tapes and tribulations.


This is a Literate Haskell essay: Every line of program code in this article has been checked by the Haskell compiler. Every example and property in the Haddock comments has been tested by the doctest tool. I thank the Haskell community for making this possible.

To make this a proper Haskell file, it needs a header. There are several language extensions we need to enable:

  {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

Nice, this is more looking like your typical fancy Haskell file now. We will also need to import a meager handful of libraries, functions, and types:

  module Flattening where

  import Control.Applicative (Alternative (empty, (<|>)))
  import Control.Lens
    ( Cons (_Cons),
  import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, mfilter)
  import Control.Monad.State
    ( MonadState (get, put),
      StateT (runStateT),
  import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (lift))
  import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
  import Data.Coerce (coerce)
  import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Corecursive (embed), Recursive (cata, project))
  import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
  import Data.Kind (Type)
  import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
  import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
  import Data.Vector (Vector)
  import GHC.Generics
    ( Generic (Rep, from, to),
      K1 (K1, unK1),
      M1 (M1, unM1),
      U1 (U1),
      type (:*:) ((:*:)),
      type (:+:) (L1, R1),
  import Unrecurse (Continue (..), Kont (..), Stack, Tree (..), exampleTree, pop, push, while)
  import Prelude hiding (even, odd)

You will notice that we are importing definitions from the Unrecurse module, which belongs to the previous article in this series.

For the Tree type from the Unrecurse module, we need a QuickCheck random generator to run property tests with doctest:

  -- $setup
  -- >>> import Test.QuickCheck
  -- >>> :{
  --   arbTree :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen (Tree a)
  --   arbTree 0 = pure Nil
  --   arbTree n =
  --     frequency
  --       [ (1, pure Nil),
  --         ( 3,
  --           Node
  --             <$> arbTree (div n 2)
  --             <*> arbitrary
  --             <*> arbTree (div n 2)
  --         )
  --       ]
  -- :}
  -- >>> instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where arbitrary = sized arbTree

This should create random binary trees with a frequency distribution that is exponentially decreasing in the number of constructors.

Ok, enough beating around the bush. Now we can start with the actual content of the essay.

The Flattening of A Tree

Last time on this channel, we have seen how one can remove recursive calls from a function. We learned about continuations, defunctionalization, and monadic State effects. We used these techniques to reimplement two simple recursive functions, printTree and accumTree, using only iteration. These functions are both specific examples of a fold. They consume a value of type Tree, a data type for binary trees with two constructors, Nil and Node. printTree reduces the tree node by node in depth-first, left-to-right order to an effect: leaf values are printed to stdout as they are encountered. On the other hand, accumTree reduces the tree to value, that is, the sum of all leaf values.

Even though we worked very hard to remove all recursion from these functions, we still have a problem. The definition of the Tree type was and remains self-referential: its Node constructor takes two Tree values as arguments. That makes Tree a recursive data type, and that is FORBIDDEN in recursion-free Haskell. Sorry, I don't make the rules. So far, we did not dare to remove recursion from the Tree data type. This time, we are more ambitious!

The high-level idea is that we are going to store our Tree in a linear data structure we call a Tape. This will be done in a fashion that allows us to zoom in on subtrees by slicing the Tape.

As usual, we need a few ingredients:

We will cover these ingredients in detail in the following sections. It will take some time to go through all of them. The slow pace will help you to can get a feel for all this stuff. We shall now start by defining the Token and Tape types. Chocks away!

Token Tapes

We define our tape as a newtype wrapper around an underlying type constructor, t :: Type -> Type:

  newtype Tape t a = Tape {unTape :: t a}
    deriving stock (Eq, Show)
    deriving newtype
      ( Semigroup,

The type t could be [], Seq, Vector, Deque, etc. It doesn't matter, we won't make a choice at this point. The only requirement is that there is a way to attach or detach elements on the left side of t. The Cons data class provides a way to formalize this requirement, and the following code propagates this requirement to the Tape type by means of coercion:

    Cons (t a) (t b) a b =>
    Cons (Tape t a) (Tape t b) a b
    _Cons =
      withPrism _Cons $
        \(review' :: (b, t b) -> t b)
         (preview' :: t a -> Either (t b) (a, t a)) ->
            prism (coerce review') (coerce preview')

This class instance gives us a prism that can be used to build or deconstruct a Tape via the cons and uncons functions from Control.Lens.Cons. They basically work like (:) and uncons from Data.List, but they are polymorphic in the type t and thus can be used with any t that satisfies the Cons requirement.

Let's now talk about what we are going to put on the tape. Our tapes will be made up entirely of Tokens, to be defined momentarily. Because of that homogeneity, it is a good idea to save us some keystrokes and forge a handy type synonym:

  -- | A tape of tokens.
  type TTape t = Tape t Token

Each Token will be used to represent a piece of information about a particular Tree. For trees with integer leaf nodes, i.e. Tree Int, we will only ever need four Tokens:

  data Token
    = -- | Represent a recursive call to an abstract data type.
      Rec Int
    | -- | Represent a left choice between two constructors.
    | -- | Represent a right choice between two constructors.
    | -- | Represent an integer leaf node.
      I Int
    deriving stock (Eq, Show)

I will explain each of these tokens in more detail in a bit. Their function will become clear as we go along.


Now, how do we turn a tree into a token tape?

In general, we want a function -- let's call it linearize -- that turns a value of some type a into a tape of tokens, TTape t, without losing any information. a could be any type, but we explicitly want this to work for a ~ Tree Int in the end.

Let's give linearize a type signature:

  type To t a = a -> TTape t

And, because we like to keep things formal, a formal definition:

      (t :: Type -> Type)
      (a :: Type)
    -- | Convert a value of type `a` into a tape of tokens.
    linearize :: To t a

This is Haskell. And, in case you haven't noticed, the way of Haskell is to make things as general as possible, sometimes until it hurts. For that reason, this class is parameterized not only by the type of the values we are going to encode, a, but also by the tape's type parameter, t.

To annoy you further, I will give linearize an arcane default implementation:

    default linearize ::
      ( Recursive a,
        ToTokensStep t (Base a)
      ) =>
      To t a
    linearize = cata linearizeStep

This definition uses the accurately named yet mysterious Recursive class. Recursive gives us cata. Both of these are defined in Data.Functor.Foldable. The cata function is a generalization of fold and takes two arguments:

With these, cata is recursively chewing up the value a and turning it into a TTape t. I admit, this machinery is a wee opaque. I will try my best to explain what is going on. Stay with me.

Base Functors

Let's first zoom in on the cryptic type of linearizeStep. This is a function that takes a value of type Base a (TTape t) and gives us back a value of type TTape t. I guess it's clear what comes out of this function (a tape of tokens), but what in tarnation are we passing here? What's Base, and why is it parameterized by both a and our trusty token tape type?

Base :: Type -> (Type -> Type), as it turns out, is also coming from Data.Functor.Foldable. It is an open type family and can be thought of as a type-level registry of so-called "base functors". A registered base functor, Base a r, is a non-recursive data type that is derived for a specific recursive data type, a. The type parameter r is used to represent recursion in a. How? Think of it in the following way: Base a r is structurally equal to a except that r takes the place of all recursive occurrences of a in a.

For instance, the base functor of our Kont type from the previous installment of this series is:

  -- | A base functor for `Kont`.
  data KontF next r
    = -- | Terminate a computation
    | -- | Continue a computation with `next`
      MoreF next r
    deriving stock (Eq, Show, Functor)

The r type parameter appears exactly where Kont next appears in the original More constructor of Kont next. Go back to the definition of Kont next and check for yourself if you don't believe me. Off you pop.

Quick side node on naming. It is customary to name the base functor and its constructors after the recursive data type they are associated with (in this case, Kont) except for appending the letter F for "functor". Like the name suggests, a base functor is always a functor in the type parameter r, and Haskell can derive that instance for us. Neat.

Now, with KontF in hand, we can write the following type family instance:

  type instance
    Base (Kont next) =
      KontF next

This tells Haskell that the base functor of Kont is KontF.

How is all this going to help us?

Like we said before, the argument of linearizeStep is of type Base a r with r ~ TTape t. If a were Kont next, then Base a r would be KontF next (TTape t). And, likewise, if a were Tree Int, then Base a r would be TreeF Int (TTape t). That means that linearizeStep always works on a version of a where recursive constructors are replaced with token tapes, r ~ TTape t.

We now understand that linearizeStep takes a special non-recursive version of a and that it is supposed to produce a token tape. But how should this transformation look like?

Linearization Example

Let's dive into a concrete example and try to understand how things should play out for a ~ Kont Int. This is a bit easier than reaching immediately for trees.

First, consider the base case. For a finished continuation, FinishedF, our encoding should look like this:

  -- | A linearized finished continuation.
  -- >>> linearizedFinished
  -- Tape {unTape = [L]}
  linearizedFinished :: TTape []
  linearizedFinished =
    let finished :: KontF Int (TTape []) =
     in linearizeStep finished

This base case is particularly easy to deal with since the FinishedF constructor has no arguments. The only information we need to encode is the constructor itself. I use the token L (for "left") to represent FinishedF, because it appears on the left side in the sum type KontF. Thus, the linearizedFinished tape should have one element: the token L.

Now, let's take a look at the recursive case: For a continuation with one more step, MoreF, the situation is more complicated, but only slightly so. I propose the following encoding:

  -- | A linearized continuation with one more step.
  -- >>> linearizedMore linearizedFinished
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,I 0,Rec 1,L]}
  -- >>> linearizedMore (linearizedMore linearizedFinished)
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,I 0,Rec 4,R,I 0,Rec 1,L]}
  -- >>> linearizedMore (linearizedMore (linearizedMore linearizedFinished))
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,I 0,Rec 7,R,I 0,Rec 4,R,I 0,Rec 1,L]}
  linearizedMore :: TTape [] -> TTape []
  linearizedMore previousTape =
    let more :: KontF Int (TTape []) =
          MoreF 0 previousTape
     in linearizeStep more

I hope the examples make it clear enough that in this encoding:

  1. R (for "right") is the token for MoreF.
  2. I 0 (for "integer") is the token for the first argument of MoreF. That argument is always 0 :: Int in this contrived example.
  3. Rec _ is the token for the recursive case. Its argument counts the number of tokens needed to encode it. Effectively, this just measures the length of the previous tape we pass to the linearizedMore function.

Note how, in the above examples, calls to linearizedMore are nested to create a tape that encodes progressively more recursive calls to the MoreF constructor. What I have done here manually will in the end be done for us automatically by linearize thanks to the Recursive type class and cata:

  -- |
  -- >>> linearize (Finished :: Kont Int) :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [L]}
  -- >>> linearize (More 0 $ Finished :: Kont Int) :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,I 0,Rec 1,L]}
  -- >>> linearize (More 0 $ More 0 $ Finished :: Kont Int) :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,I 0,Rec 4,R,I 0,Rec 1,L]}
  -- >>> linearize (More 0 $ More 0 $ More 0 $ Finished :: Kont Int) :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,I 0,Rec 7,R,I 0,Rec 4,R,I 0,Rec 1,L]}

If we had a working implementation of linearizeStep already, then the only thing we would need to do to get this behaviour is to define an instance of the Recursive type class for Kont next, like so:

  instance Recursive (Kont next) where
    project ::
      Kont next ->
      KontF next (Kont next)
    project (More n k) = MoreF n k
    project Finished = FinishedF

This implementation of project tells Haskell how a single layer of a Kont next value is unrolled into a KontF next (Kont next) value. The rest is taken care of by the cata function. I can recommend you to read the newly revised documentation of the recursion schemes package to get an even better understanding of the principles behind this approach.

Good, we have a more or less clear picture of how linearizeStep is supposed to work. What's missing is an implementation. Next up: an implementation.

Generic Stepwise Linearization

We can formally introduce linearizeStep like this:

      (t :: Type -> Type)
      (base :: Type -> Type)
    -- | A stepwise linearization of a value of type `base (TTape t)`.
    linearizeStep :: To t (base (TTape t))

Like ToTokens, the ToTokensStep type class is parameterized by the type of the token tape, t. But instead of the a type, we've got another parameter, base, for its base functor.

I promised oodles of boilerplate code, and I am happy to announce that the waiting is over. We will use datatype-generic programming to implement this class!

Have a look at the following default implementation:

    default linearizeStep ::
      ( Alternative t,
        Foldable t,
        Generic (base (TTape t)),
        GToTokensStep t (Rep (base (TTape t)))
      ) =>
      To t (base (TTape t))
    linearizeStep =
        . GHC.Generics.from

Of course, that's just a wrapper around gLinearizeStep, defined below:

      (t :: Type -> Type)
      (rep :: Type -> Type)
    -- | A generic implementation of `linearizeStep`.
    gLinearizeStep :: forall a. To t (rep a)

This follows the usual pattern for datatype-generic programming in Haskell. In particular, this says that, if our base functor has a Generic instance with generic representation Rep (base r), then we can obtain a ToTokensStep instance (and thus linearizeStep) for free. Free is very cheap.

GHC.Generics.from will convert a base r value into a Rep (base r) value. The latter represents base r using only generic primitive types. These types are defined in the GHC.Generics module and are:

If you have never seen these types before, you may want to read some of the documentation in the GHC.Generics module. There are some examples that will help you understand the types better than I can in this tutorial.

We only need to specify once what should happen for the six generic types. For V1, we can't do anything:

  instance GToTokensStep t V1 where
    gLinearizeStep v =
      v `seq` error "GToTokensStep.V1"

For U1, we can just ignore it and return an empty token tape:

    Alternative t =>
    GToTokensStep t U1
    gLinearizeStep _ = Tape empty

For K1, we can just delegate to linearize:

    ToTokens t c =>
    GToTokensStep t (K1 i c)
    gLinearizeStep = linearize . unK1

When specialized to K1 i Int, this instance is used to convert an Int constant appearing in KontF Int r into a tape of a single I token:

    Alternative t =>
    ToTokens t Int
    linearize i = pure (I i)

Moreover, when specialized to K1 i (TTape t), the K1 instance defines what should happen for the TTape t constants in KontF next (TTape t). This is the trick that allows us to deal with recursive constructor arguments:

    (Alternative t, Foldable t) =>
    ToTokens t (TTape t)
    linearize tape =
      pure (Rec $ length tape) <|> tape

Here we use length to measure the length of the tape. We store that length in a Rec token that we prepend to the tape using (<|>). This length information will be helpful later when we want to decode the tape back into a value.

For M1, we can just unwrap the constructor:

    GToTokensStep t f =>
    GToTokensStep t (M1 i c f)
    gLinearizeStep = gLinearizeStep . unM1

For the product (f :*: g), we can delegate to the GToTokensStep instances of f and g:

    ( Alternative t,
      Foldable t,
      GToTokensStep t f,
      GToTokensStep t g
    ) =>
    GToTokensStep t (f :*: g)
    gLinearizeStep (x :*: y) =
      gLinearizeStep x <|> gLinearizeStep y

The tapes of the two x :: f a and y :: g a values are concatenated using (<|>).

Finally, we can define an instance for the sum (f :+: g):

    ( Applicative t,
      Alternative t,
      Foldable t,
      GToTokensStep t f,
      GToTokensStep t g
    ) =>
    GToTokensStep t (f :+: g)
    gLinearizeStep (L1 x) =
      pure L <|> gLinearizeStep x
    gLinearizeStep (R1 x) =
      pure R <|> gLinearizeStep x

We use pure L and pure R to encode the left and right constructor.

This concludes the definition of GToTokensStep and the boilerplaty datatype-generic programming exercise for ToTokensStep. Wasn't that fun? There is more to come.

Auto-Generating ToTokens Instances

Perhaps this was lost in the noise, but we can now automatically generate ToTokens instances!

For the Kont data type, this is done in three steps:

Step 1: Ask Haskell to generate a Generic instance for Kont's base functor, KontF.

  deriving stock instance Generic (KontF next r)

Step 2: Obtain a ToTokensStep instance from the default implementation.

    (Alternative t, Foldable t, ToTokens t next) =>
    ToTokensStep t (KontF next)

Step 3: Earn a ToTokens instance.

    ToTokensStep t (KontF next) =>
    ToTokens t (Kont next)

With these we can convert a Kont next value into a TTape t value (if we also happen to have a ToTokens instance for next). And we know that this is true because this is a literate Haskell article, and all previously seen examples were in fact already working. Surprise!

Originally, we were interested in values of type Tree Int. Perhaps you remember. Are we any closer to linearizing those, too? We are. We can automagically generate now everything we need.

We defined the base functor KontF for the Kont data type manually. This was a bit tedious, but it helped us understand base functor types. Now, rather than going through the trouble of writing our own base functor for Tree (or any other data type a), we can use makeBaseFunctor to do this for us. makeBaseFunctor is a Template Haskell function that generates the base functor for the Tree type and calls it TreeF.

  makeBaseFunctor ''Tree

This little trick also generates Base and Recursive instances for Tree, among a few other things that we don't need to worry about right now.

However, we don't get a Show or Generic instance for TreeF, so let's quickly add those:

  deriving stock instance (Show a, Show r) => Show (TreeF a r)

  deriving stock instance Generic (TreeF a r)

The Generic instance opens up the possibility of auto-generating the ToTokens instance for Tree:

    (Alternative t, Foldable t, ToTokens t a) =>
    ToTokensStep t (TreeF a)

    ToTokensStep t (TreeF a) =>
    ToTokens t (Tree a)

And that's it! Let's see what we can do with this:

  -- >>> linearize (Nil :: Tree Int) :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [L]}
  -- >>> linearize (Node Nil 0 Nil :: Tree Int) :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,Rec 1,L,I 0,Rec 1,L]}
  -- >>> linearize (Node (Node Nil 0 Nil) 1 (Node Nil 2 Nil) :: Tree Int) :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,Rec 6,R,Rec 1,L,I 0,Rec 1,L,I 1,Rec 6,R,Rec 1,L,I 2,Rec 1,L]}
  -- >>> linearize exampleTree :: TTape []
  -- Tape {unTape = [R,Rec 16,R,Rec 6,R,Rec 1,L,I 1,Rec 1,L,I 2,Rec 6,R,Rec 1,L,I 3,Rec 1,L,I 4,Rec 16,R,Rec 6,R,Rec 1,L,I 5,Rec 1,L,I 6,Rec 6,R,Rec 1,L,I 7,Rec 1,L]}

There you have it, we can flatten binary trees and store them in tapes of tokens. Cool stuff!

Parsing Tapes of Tokens

How can we go back from a TTape t value to a Tree value?

The answer is parsing. Many parsing libraries exist for Haskell, but we will use none of them, because we need a lot less than what they offer. Instead, we will use a minimal approach to parsing based on the good old state monad transformer, StateT. We know it well from the previous article.

It is a little-known fact that StateT already provides all that we need to implement a monadic parser. It even supports backtracking. This may be surprising, since StateT s b a is just a newtype wrapper around s -> b (a, s), where s is the state's type, and b is the type of some inner monad. Why should this matter for parsing? Well, that's because, at its most fundamental level, a parser for things a is a function from strings s to lists b ~ [] of pairs (a, s) of things and strings. That's a little Seussian rhyme I borrowed from Fritz Ruehr. It means that if we have a string s and a parser StateT s b a with b ~ [], then running the parser on s will return:

There may be a very long list of alternatives, but for b ~ [] those are lazily evaluated. This is why we can think of StateT s [] a as a parser with backtracking. If we don't want backtracking, we can use StateT s Maybe a instead. Then we will only ever get zero or one parse. If we get Nothing, the parse failed. If we get Just, the parse succeeded. For b ~ Maybe, we can never explore more than one alternative. We are greedily parsing, and committing to the first alternative that succeeds is a final decision. b (for "backtracking") should always be a monad with a MonadPlus instance for supporting choice (mplus) and failure (mzero). [], Maybe, and LogicT from Control.Monad.Logic fulfil this requirement, but there are many monads that do not.

In Haskell, a string is a list of characters. Here, we have a tape of tokens. If we want to parse a tape of tokens, then we should be able to do that with this state monad transformer:

  type From b t a = StateT (TTape t) b a

This is the counterpart to To t a that we have been using to flatten trees into tapes of tokens. To go the other way, we need to define a value of type From b t a. It will need to be made such that it is compatible with how we defined To t a above and undoes the flattening we engineered there. We will build this value from the ground up starting with the simplest parser we can write down:

  -- | A parser that consumes a single token from the tape and returns it.
  token ::
    forall b t.
    ( MonadFail b,
      Cons (TTape t) (TTape t) Token Token
    ) =>
    From b t Token
  token = do
    t <- get
    case uncons t of
      Nothing -> fail "unexpected end of input"
      Just (x, xs) -> put xs >> pure x

This parser just tries to take the first token from the tape and yields it, no matter what the token is. If there are no tokens left, it fails. The MonadFail constraint is needed for the fail function, and the Cons constraint is needed for the uncons function.

The second most simple parser we can write is one that consumes a single token and returns it if and only if it matches a given predicate:

  -- | A parser that matches a given token and returns it.
  isToken ::
    forall b t.
    ( MonadFail b,
      MonadPlus b,
      Cons (TTape t) (TTape t) Token Token
    ) =>
    Token ->
    From b t Token
  isToken t = mfilter (== t) token

The mfilter function is a monadic version of filter and provided by the MonadPlus requirement.

These two parsers, token and isToken, will turn out to be everything we need. We will use combinator functions to compose them again and again until we get to the final parser that solves our problem. The combinators will mostly be provided by the Alternative and MonadPlus instances for From b t. This will become much clearer in the next section. It's all about the combinators from here. There is documentation on the subject for those who are interested, but it should not be necessary to read this to understand the rest of this article.

There And Back Again

We'd like to be able to go back and forth between token tapes and Tree values:

  -- | `parse` is the inverse of `linearize`.
  -- prop> \tree -> evalStateT parse (linearize @[] tree) == Just (tree :: Tree Int)

This is a there-and-back-again property. It says that, if we have a Tree Int value, then we can first linearize it into a token tape, and then parse it back into the same Tree Int value we started with. No treasure is lost or gained by this process. Not even a small chest.

The function parse returns the parser we need. A formal definition of parse is:

      (b :: Type -> Type)
      (t :: Type -> Type)
      (a :: Type)
    -- | Parse a value of type `a` from a list of tokens.
    parse :: From b t a

We parameterize FromTokens on the backtracking monad, b, the tape type, t, and the type of the value we want to parse, a. Like linearize, parse has an annoyingly opaque default implementation:

    default parse ::
      ( Corecursive a,
        Monad b,
        Traversable (Base a),
        FromTokensStep b t (Base a)
      ) =>
      From b t a
    parse = go
        go =
          fmap embed $
              >>= traverse (resetParse go)

Let's take this apart, and see what it does. The helper go replaces cata in the default implementation of linearize from before. go is a recursive descent parser that repeatedly calls the stepwise parser parseStep. This parser comes from the FromTokensStep constraint and has the type: parseStep :: From b t (Base a (TTape t)). We haven't defined parseStep and FromTokensStep yet, but we will shortly. parseStep is a parser that returns a base functor for the type a, where unused tokens are wrapped in token tapes TTape t that appear in the recursive positions of a in a. Those tapes are then parsed by parseStep again and again, until we get a base functor value that contains no token tapes (for TreeF, that would be NilF). If we naively glued the base functors coming out of this recursion together, we would get a value of type Base a (Base a (Base a (Base ... ))). However, we cannot work with this type directly, because it would depend on the runtime value of the token tape: the more nested the encoded value, the more nested the type. Instead, we need to incrementally roll the functors up into an a value. We can do this by using the Corecursive constraint, which is the counterpart to Recursive from before. Corecursive gives us embed :: Base a a -> a, the inverse of project, which is exactly what we need.

  -- | Run a parser on a tape, and
  -- lift the result(s) into the parent parsing scope.
  -- Unused tokens are discarded.
  resetParse :: Monad b => 
    From b t a -> TTape t -> From b t a
  resetParse m = lift . evalStateT m
      (b :: Type -> Type)
      (t :: Type -> Type)
      (base :: Type -> Type)
    -- | A stepwise parser of a value of type `base (TTape t)`.
    parseStep :: From b t (base (TTape t))
    default parseStep ::
      ( Functor b,
        Generic (base (TTape t)),
        GFromTokensStep b t (Rep (base (TTape t)))
      ) =>
      From b t (base (TTape t))
    parseStep = to <$> gParseStep

      (b :: Type -> Type)
      (t :: Type -> Type)
      (rep :: Type -> Type)
    -- | A generic implementation of `parseStep`.
    gParseStep :: forall a. From b t (rep a)

    MonadFail b =>
    GFromTokensStep b t V1
    gParseStep = fail "GFromTokensStep.V1"

    Monad b =>
    GFromTokensStep b t U1
    gParseStep = pure U1

    ( MonadFail b,
      MonadPlus b,
      Cons (TTape t) (TTape t) Token Token,
      GFromTokensStep b t f,
      GFromTokensStep b t g
    ) =>
    GFromTokensStep b t (f :+: g)
    gParseStep =
      (isToken L >> L1 <$> gParseStep)
        <|> (isToken R >> R1 <$> gParseStep)

    ( MonadFail b,
      MonadPlus b,
      Cons (TTape t) (TTape t) Token Token,
      GFromTokensStep b t f,
      GFromTokensStep b t g
    ) =>
    GFromTokensStep b t (f :*: g)
    gParseStep =
        <$> gParseStep
        <*> gParseStep

    (Monad b, FromTokens b t c) =>
    GFromTokensStep b t (K1 i c)
    gParseStep = K1 <$> parse

    (Functor b, GFromTokensStep b t f) =>
    GFromTokensStep b t (M1 i c f)
    gParseStep = M1 <$> gParseStep
    ( MonadFail b,
      MonadPlus b,
      Cons (t Token) (t Token) Token Token,
      Alternative t,
      FromTokens b t a
    ) =>
    FromTokensStep b t (TreeF a)

    (Monad b, FromTokensStep b t (TreeF a)) =>
    FromTokens b t (Tree a)
    ( MonadFail b,
      Cons (TTape t) (TTape t) Token Token
    ) =>
    FromTokens b t Int
    parse =
      token >>= \case
        I i -> pure i
        _ -> fail "expected Int"

    ( MonadFail b,
      Alternative t,
      Cons (TTape t) (TTape t) Token Token
    ) =>
    FromTokens b t (TTape t)
    parse =
      token >>= \case
        Rec n -> go n
            go :: Int -> From b t (TTape t)
            go 0 = pure empty
            go n' = cons <$> token <*> go (n' - 1)
        _ -> fail "expected Rec"
  data NextF a r = FirstF r | SecondF a | ThirdF r
  accumTree'''''''' ::
    forall t a.
    ( Alternative t,
      Foldable t,
      Monoid a,
      ToTokens t a,
      FromTokens Maybe t a,
      Cons (t Token) (t Token) Token Token
    ) =>
    StateT (TTape t, Stack (NextF a (TTape t))) (Writer a) ()
  accumTree'''''''' =
    while $ do
      treeF <- fromJust . evalStateT parseStep <$> zoom _1 get
      case treeF of
        NilF -> do
          c <- zoom _2 pop
          case c of
            Just (FirstF leftF) -> do
              zoom _1 $ put leftF
              pure Continue
            Just (SecondF contentF) -> do
              lift (tell contentF)
              zoom _1 $ put (linearizeStep $ NilF @a)
              pure Continue
            Just (ThirdF rightF) -> do
              zoom _1 $ put rightF
              pure Continue
            Nothing -> pure Break
        NodeF {..} -> do
          zoom _2 $ push (ThirdF rightF)
          zoom _2 $ push (SecondF contentF)
          zoom _2 $ push (FirstF leftF)
          zoom _1 $ put (linearizeStep $ NilF @a)
          pure Continue
  makeBaseFunctor ''Sum

  deriving stock instance (Show a, Show r) => Show (SumF a r)

  deriving stock instance Generic (SumF a r)

    ( Alternative t,
      Foldable t,
      ToTokens t a
    ) =>
    ToTokensStep t (SumF a)

    ToTokensStep t (SumF a) =>
    ToTokens t (Sum a)

    ( Monad b,
      Alternative t,
      Foldable t,
      FromTokens b t a
    ) =>
    FromTokensStep b t (SumF a)

    (Monad b, FromTokensStep b t (SumF a)) =>
    FromTokens b t (Sum a)
  -- | Calculate the sum of the content values of the linearized example tree.
  -- >>> sumTree''''''''
  -- Sum {getSum = 28}
  sumTree'''''''' :: Sum Int
  sumTree'''''''' =
    execWriter $
        (accumTree'''''''' @Vector)
        (linearize $ Sum <$> exampleTree, [])

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Hello Dex

Mar 10, 2022

Say hello to Dex and see how Dex greets you.

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Unrecurse -- A Recursive Function That Doesn't Recurse

Jan 20, 2022

Have you ever wanted to write a recursive function and wondered what would happen if someone took away recursion from Haskell? Say goodbye to recursive function calls, say goodbye to recursive data types. How sad Haskell would be without them! I'm sure that thought must have occured to you -- if not, what are you even doing here?! Well, this article has you covered should that day ever come. After reading it, you will know how to write a recursive function that doesn't recurse.